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SolVit Hand & Heel Balm

$ 28.00

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SolVit Hand & Heel Balm for Calluses, Rough, Cracked & Dry Skin, 77mlSolvit cream is specially formulated to alleviate dry and cracked skin conditions. its unique formulation containing 10% Urea, Dimethicone, 5%Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Soy Lecithin, Jojoba oil and Chamomile helps in the exfoliation of dead skin and stimulation of skin cell renewal.

In addition to to providing fast and effective relief from itch and pain due to dry or cracked skin, Solvit also helps to form a barrier to minimize skin dehydration, allowing the effective ingredients to penetrate through the skin quickly, thus reducing the risk of material infection and enhancing the healing process.

SolVit Hand & Heel Balm is suitable for diabetics as part of their skin care regime.

Directions :

Ensure the affected areas are clean and dry, then massage with SolVit 2 to 3 times daily