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Potassium Permanganate

$ 21.00

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ICM Pharma Potassium Permanganate Crystals BP 100mg


Diluted solutions are used to manage mild pompholyx, dermatitis, eczema and fungal infections of the feet.

Usage: Once a week for 5-6 weeks

Dissolve/dilute one teaspoon of Potassium Permanganate Crystals in water to produce a light purple/magenta colour, soak for 10 minutes.

**Strong potassium permanganate solutions are dark purple (almost black), but a properly diluted solution should be light purple/magenta in colour similar to a rose wine.

Cautionary Instructions

Concentrated potassium permanganate solution may cause burns. May stain skin and clothing. Avoid contact with eyes and mouth. For external use only. Store in a cool place. Keep out of reach of children.